About Jellyfish Education

Jellyfish Group, founded in Japan in 2007, offers opportunities to people through education and overseas study, with eight sites in four countries including Vietnam, Philippines and Indonesia, based on the management policy "Expand your Horizons".


Expand Your Horizons.

We would like to create opportunities for self-fulfillment through education for the people all over the world, and would like to be a bridge connecting now and the future.

About Jellyfish Education

Established in November 2012 with the registration under Securities and Exchange Commission. Services being offered are Study in Japan programs, Internship and Nihongo Classes for individuals and corporate accounts in the Philippines.

Jellyfish Education Philippines has years of experience in processing Japanese Student Visa with an 85% approval rate


To be established as the top education and service provider for Filipinos to Japan through its programs and services. To help more Filipinos to expand their horizons and become globally competitive.


To provide a high quality of service consultancy for Filipinos to study in Japan

Core Values

  • Respect to individuals
  • Humility and open mindness
  • Sense of urgency